Download quartus ii web edition 13.0
Download quartus ii web edition 13.0

  • State S3: The Multiplication is complete and the next state is S0.
  • – In each cases, the Multiplier and the Product registers are shifted.
  • State S2: If the loop counter saturates (overflow after an increment) we continue to state S3, otherwise we return to state S1.
  • – The ALU result is loaded in the Product register.
  • State S1: The next state is always S2.
  • – The Product register and the loop counter are initialized to 0.
  • State S0: We wait until the start signal is active on the rising edge of the clock before going into state S1 and initializing the registers where: – The Multiplicand and Multiplier registers load the input values.
  • The reset signal resets the state machine to state S0.
  • end_counter shift_product shift_multiplier start -Įnd_counter shift_product shift_multiplier It includes a 3-bit saturating counter used to count the 8 steps of the addition algorithm.
  • The system Controller: – It contains a state machine, and it sets the control signals of all the components.Ĥ State machine The controller contains the following state machine.
  • The 8-bit Adder: – It adds the result of the AND gates with the 8 most significant bits of the Product output.
  • The AND gates: – It performs the AND logical operation on each Multiplicand bits with the least significant bit of the Multiplier.
  • – The dataout output bits are its 16 least significant bits. – It shifts to the right when shift is high. – It loads the Add result in its most significant bits when load is high.
  • The 17-bit shift-register Product: – It’s initialized to 0 when reset is high.
  • – The dataout output is the least significant bit of the register. – It shifts to the right when shift right is high.

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    The 8-bit shift-register Multiplier: – Operand A is loaded when load is high.The 8-bit register Multiplicand: – Operand B is loaded when load is high.The components description is listed below.

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    The following figure describes the architecture of the multiplier. This algorithm is inspired from the multiplication method you learned at school: you sequentially multiply the multiplicand (operand B in the figure) by each digit of the multiplier (operand A in the figure), adding the intermediate results to the properly shifted final result. To implement the sequential multiplier, we will use the Shift-and-Add algorithm. Output done: synchronous signal that is set during 1 cycle by the multiplier when the result of the operation is available.Input start: synchronous signal that must be high to start a new operation.Input reset: asynchronous reset signal to initialize the system.

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  • Input clk: clock signal to synchronize the system.
  • Notice that the output bitwidth is the sum of the bitwidth of each input operand.ģ Sequential multiplier A sequential multiplier requires some additional signals for synchronization purpose. The next figure is the generic entity of a combinatorial multiplier. Quartus II Web Edition and ModelSim-Altera.ġ Introduction As a reintroduction to VHDL, you will implement a sequential multiplier using the Shift-and-Add algorithm.Ģ Binary multiplication Example of a 4-bit unsigned multiplication (11 × 9 = 99): Multiplicand Multiplier A 8-bit Sequential Multiplier Learning Goal: A Simple VHDL Design.

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